Google Pixel 2 Gets FCC-Certified With Android O, Snapdragon 835 And 'Active Edge' The Google Pixel 2 edged closer to its launch after being certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and according to the regulatory filing, the device will come with Android O and Snapdragon 835, features long expected. The device, expected to be launched in the next two months, will also have a new ‘Active Edge’ feature, similar to Edge Sense on the HTC U11. A screenshot of the device in the filing displays the feature, which is expected to be a gesture-based trigger for the voice assistant. Pressing the edges of the display is expected to trigger the Google Assistant. On the U11, the gesture can also be used to open apps or even take photos. According to PhoneArena , the device will also have different navigation buttons, with the home button doubling as the trigger for the assistant. The device is also expected to have a 64GB base variant since the leak... Widgets 1. Manage Chrome Tabs and Windows There are times when we hurriedly close an important tab and have no idea how to get it back. Well, you can use Ctrl+Shift+T to bring back the tab in the original state . Similarly, there are shortcuts to efficiently manage tabs and windows without any hassle. We have compiled basic shortcuts below so that you can use on Chrome without losing any time. Open new tab: Ctrl+T Open new window: Ctrl+N Close current tab: Ctrl+W Reopen Closed Tab: Ctrl+Shift+T Close current window: Ctrl+Shift+W Open Incognito Window: Ctrl+Shift+N Switch chrome tabs: Ctrl+Tab Switch chrome tabs on Mac: Cmd+Option+Right or Left arrow Open link in a new tab: Ctrl+Click Open link in a new window: Shift+Click 2. Webpage Shortcuts You hit refresh button but nothing changes? Well, it’s because the webpage is loading the cached content. You can use Ctrl+Shift+R which refreshes the webpage from scratch discarding the cached co...
The feature works pretty much how you’d expect it to work. You can write your email whenever you want, and schedule it to be sent at a later date and time of your choosing. This can come in very handy for people looking to send birthday greetings on time, but who keep forgetting. Anyway, here’s how to use the feature on the Gmail app on Android, and on the Gmail web app. How to Schedule Emails in Gmail on Mobile To schedule an email on your smartphone, just follow the steps below. Launch the Gmail app, and compose a new email. Once you’re done with that, tap on the three dot menu on the top right, and tap on ‘ Schedule Send .’ You will now be able to choose between the preset times, or pick a date and time of your own choosing by tapping on the last icon. Once you’re done, just tap on ‘ Schedule send ‘ and that’s it. Gmail will schedule your email and it’ll be sent automatically at the time of your choosing. If you want to take a look at your scheduled...
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